Sabrina Ioffreda is some model who has done nothing that I’ve noticed – not that I really notice anything when it comes to models unless they show their tits…but I assume that she’s well paid, as all models are, she’s probably European because of her insane last name, maybe even Swedish, because it sounds like an IKEA table name, which happens to be the only thing I know about Sweden, and probably the only thing to know about Sweden, other than this Sabrina Ioffreda who I don’t even know if she’s from Sweden but we’ll pretend.
Fuck, google just told me she’s from Argentina…I shoulda known….I just thought Argentina only had cows…I am so bad at this…I am so stupid…I would blame the hangover but I am already drunk….fuck the dark hair should have given it away…
Who cares about where she’s from, or what she’s giving away, since she’s giving all I really care away, and that’s her tits in my favorite titty magazine out of France called LUI
This shoot is pretty next level
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