Thursday, October 30, 2014

Lara Stone by Juergen Teller of the Day

Lara Stone tried to sue me once – because I posted paparazzi pics of her on her Honeymoon, because her honeymoon was so fucking private and important that the paparazzi went to creep on her…and she felt the need to come after me…like I was the motherfucker in scuba gear creeping up on her in a bikini…thus making me hate her…

But I do like Juergen Teller’s photographer, he’s pretty top tier, and when it features a topless Lara Stone and her big old nipples, thicker than she’s ever been, even though we’ve already seen her tits…I kind of don’t care that sue bothered threatening me with lawsuits, instead I just incorporate it into my masturation…

“Oh yes babay, send me that Lawyer’s Letter, oh you’re so hot when you pay 500 Euros an hour to send me love letters….I just came”…

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