Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Eva Herzigova in a One Piece of the Day

Eva Herzigova is in a one piece…I would image you’d care about this if you had any fucking ideal who Eva Herzigova is…and I feel like you probably do, but I don’t and I’ve been writing the site for 10 years, which means I started when she was probably in her prime, and I still don’t know who the fuck she is…sooooooooo she’s in a one piece…this is not news, but the news is depressing. I don’t need to hear about 2000 people dying of Ebola in some African country that I know will spread to the rest of the world – killing us all off, a fear of mine when I was younger and a little more hopeful in humanity, but now something I am ready to see happen….or maybe the 1500 Christians killed in Iraq, the Isreal crisis, the Libya criss…shit’s fucking doomed…but Eva Herzigova can get us through this in her bikini…she’s a modern day superhero…someone give her the nobel peace prize like she was Nelson Mandela.

Eva Herzigova having fun on the beach with hubby Gregorio Marsiaj in Sardinia Eva Herzigova having fun on the beach with hubby Gregorio Marsiaj in Sardinia Eva Herzigova having fun on the beach with hubby Gregorio Marsiaj in Sardinia

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