Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ashley Greene on a Trapeze of the Day

A week ago – Ashley Greene posted these picture of her on a trapeze, and apparently, the world was able to go on. I know, surprising, you’d think she’d have the star power to shut down the internet, but only 9,000 people liked the shit, I guess making her pretty obsolete…which I guess is a life lesson to all of you girls aspiring to whore yourself into fame…sure a bit part on a huge franchise is good for your bank account, and a fake relationship where you pretend to be a virgin with a Jonas brother is a good way to maintain that audience…you know keep them engaged…but the second it is all over…it is over…because people have no attention span, fame is fleeting, and this bitch isn’t talent and doesn’t matter. She just knows how to strategically fuck, despite her “Promise Ring” she pretended to once have…when the only promise she made was to take it on the face if she got the part…

If you want to see Ashley Greene Paid By Target to Shop at Target…it’s a fetish to at least one person CLICK HERE


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