Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Maryna Linchuk in Lingerie of the Day

Maryna Linchuk reminds me that although I love Lingerie models, and think they are great for a lot of reasons, like being nice to look at, but more importantly, making regular girls feel like shit about themselves, and when they feel like shit about themselves, I get to be the hero, by telling them their untoned fat stomach is sexy and that those models are just freaks of nature, some even 6 foot tall monsters pushing 150 pounds that look good in pictures half naked, but who in person are actually double the size…angles, lighting, make-up, photoshop…you know making myself out to be a sensitive hero, ready to pounce on them the second they feel comfortable enough to let me get them naked…

But I hate lingerie photoshoots – they fucking suck…they have no personality and here’s the proof.

maryna-linchuk-new-end-jul-02 maryna-linchuk-new-end-jul-03 maryna-linchuk-new-end-jul-04 maryna-linchuk-new-end-jul-05 maryna-linchuk-new-end-jul-06


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