Her name is @JESYJOHNSTON and she’s in some pics by @DREWHARAN because that’s what hot girls do…they let people take pictures of them…so people like you can look and stare and wonder why your life went wrong, and either kill yourself…or try to make it better so that one day a girl like this will wake up next to you…
I would suggest you kill yourself, because you’re too far gone, but then again, I would also suggest you don’t listen to me about anything I say…because i am a hack….
But I would wonder what the statistic of suicides set to photos of hot models who won’t fuck said person who just killed himself…like how many suicide scenes involved pictures of a celebrity the person knew they’d never get..I’m thinking at least one….
When really, you should just be happy with the pics, because they are easier to love, since they don’t talk back or come with any of the dramatic bullshit real people do…
Seriously, if you’re gonna marry anyone, you’re better off marrying a photograph..than an actual person…because actual people are needy as fuck and annoying….
That’s all.
The post Jessy Johnston by Drew Haran of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather.
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