Monday, March 23, 2015

Lindsay Lohan Legs of the Day


When it comes to Lindsay Lohan, I am like a widower, trying to keep the memory of my loved one alive…

It’s like I know that anything I do, will not bring her back to the living state she was once in…you know where people cared about her, and more than just a core group of weirdos, but rather the entire industry…they probably destroyed the little amount of soul she had, after her parents sold her off, turning her into the train wreck that she is…

She’s pretty much dead, old, washed up, forgotten and will never make a comeback, she’s just not talented enough and no one cares enough to bother with her…

So here are her legs, for the memories of the good times, without the scabs and bruises you’d expect..because I can’t get over her…

But the good news is that every time I leave my house, I see a mother whoring out her daughter, sometimes with a photographer in tow, or acting as a photographer, sometimes in bikini, doing these cheesy self produced photoshoots,for what I know is their social media…because as long as there is an entertainment industry, there will be parents who think their kids belong in it…so what that all means, is who the fuck needs Lohan…I guess the answer is no one…


The post Lindsay Lohan Legs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather.


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