Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Anja Rubik for Fashion Porn for Vogue France of the Day

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I feel like I already posted these pics of Anja Rubik, but it is very possible that I have seen similar pictures of another model before, seeing as nothing is original, pictures are played out, and that there is so much overlap who the fuck cares….I mean how many fucking pictures does one species need to see to document their bullshit memories, or to sell product…

Either way, iI call fashion nudity, fashion porn, and this is fashion porn, thanks to incorporating a dude into it, with some serious softcore porn poses…and the whole thing is not very Vogue, unless that’s just where the world is going, which we all know it obviously is…since porn gets hits and all the other shit is just a gateway to porn…it’s human nature or some shit..I wouldn’t know about thanks to impotence caused by marriage…

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The post Anja Rubik for Fashion Porn for Vogue France of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather.


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