So Dianna Agron is some Glee! person, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of her because I feel like Glee! is the devil and destroys the souls of anyone who watches the Getalong gang of rejects that cover all the socio/economic slices of society from obese, to transgendered, to gay, black and Asian…the affirmative action that almost offends me…if I cared about Glee…
I mean the only salvation they have is that their main character killed himself in a drug overdose, since fame hurts…and the narcisstic man face who fake dated him didn’t care but acted her way through it – the dark side of all the songs and dance…
That said, if this character keeps on posting topless pics, because topless pics are liberating and amazing – I will still not watch Glee!…I will still hate Glee!…but I will encourage less censoring of the nipples…and to just go all the way with this show the world your tits or they’ll just hack your phone hustle…all because I like toplessness.
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