Thursday, October 2, 2014

Britney Spears in Hard Nipples in Shorts of the Day

The world probably doesn’t need a picture of 35 year old Britney Spears, mom of 2, walking around in a tight shirt with hard nipples, that for some reason don’t aim to the ground like they once did when she was young and they were meant to be perky…you know looking more fit that she has in a while…rocking’ some shorts and strong legs…

But I do….but not really, I don’t care about Britney, the only thing I like about her is how she’s still scamming the world into loving her, based on 3% talent 97% marketing. I like that she is owned and managed by her puppet master handlers and has no real brain of her own…she’s like a dancing monkey and that’s hot in women…I like her breakdown when she shaved her head…but most importantly, I like that she represents hope to loser dudes with baby mommas everywhere, that they may land a popstat to marry and manipulate and live off of for the rest of time too..

We call it K-Fedding…that’s male gold digging…and it works.



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