Thursday, August 14, 2014

Selena Gomez “Taking a Shit” Selfie of the Day

I have a feeling that this is a picture of Selena Gomez “taking a shit” selfie. Which in case you didn’t know is the least sexy kind of selfie a girl can take, because no one want your 5 minutes you take to style your self shot bullshit, because you are an egotistical cunt to be while shitting. Most of us still don’t want to admit girls shit…even though We’ve all seen it.

I am not too sure what LUPUS, a disease she has, does to her shitting. I just know that she posted that she worked out twice earlier in the day and was craving fast food or something along those fat girl guidelines…that leads to nasty shits…and I guess this is the after effect….while reading tweets…something 90 percent of people into shitting with their phones do…when they aren’t taking SELFIES…


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