Monday, December 30, 2013

Nina Agdal for Beach Bunny of the Day

Nina Agdal, a model I like to think of as Adam Levine’s unwanted leftovers that are tainted with his semen – provided he is actually hetero and not just a girl models “fuck” because it is good for their marketing….

She is also owned by Sports Illustrated, used in campaigns for affiliated bikini companies, that people like me promote because it’s a girl in a bikini..

She also has a downs syndrome face, that you may or may not notice when staring at her photoshopped body…and the whole thing is uninteresting…but what is interesting is that Kate Upton was considered hotter and a bigger deal than her…and Kate Upton’s success or popularity robbed Nina of her cover…

Leaving her a broken women, who probably feels like she fucking sucks, her man left her for a VS Angel/model…and her dream cover shoot she felt she was owed since she gave her life to Sports Illustrated, it was her everything, was giving to a fat model..and I like that kind of failure on the inside even when in a place so many girls wish they were at…my kind of broken.

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