2013 has been the year of the surf girl butt…and Anastasia Ashley, has been the single more important surf girl butt. She’s been the most relevant and the most spectacular surf girl butt and in a lot of way she’s been the leader, even the ambassador, even the fucking governor or president, up on some commander in chief of the surf girl…who all the other surf girl butts look up to and aspire to be…
She has been dominating the surf girl butt movement, something that she has been part of since she was 5…but the rest of us only cared about this past year…because I guess surfing is making a comeback, it is one of those aspirational sports that we all wish, even the obese canadians, that we could be a part of it, because you spend your life on the fucking beach with hot women…and seeing girls living that life, with their amazing surf girl butt bodies…is just fucking erotic…enough to want to marry, get pregnant, and start a family with…or inside…ideally with my mouth…
Anastasia Ashley is pretty fucking perfect, I am her number 1 fan and I want her to give my face surf lessons with her vagina… and she’s rocking’ her POPDAT CULTURE SHIRT that you all need.

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