Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ashley Tisdale’s Bikini Party of the Day

Ashley Tisdale is in a bikini with a bunch of friends…and for some reason, a reason I call bad judgement, she’s not wearing the Mexican Wrestling Mask I sent her to help her with her face…it’s the new plastic surgery…when plastic surgery doesn’t work…and it’s far more water resistant than a paper bag…

I guess putting a mask in an envelope with a mason jar of dried semen, sent to Disneyland, addressed to “The High School Musical Chick With the Bad Face”….isn’t postal worker friendly…they are unionized and don’t like going out of their way for anyone.

What it comes down to, is duck face or not, Ashley Tisdale has a fit little body, and as much as I make fun of her face, it’s not as bad as it could be, it is just bad in Hollywood standards, and the fact that she’s living in a mansion, making money, gives us the right to demand more out of her…

Seriously, I get so much hate from people when laughing at this asymmetrical looking thing, even though I totally appreciate that she’s trying to offset her inadequacies with fitness…and really her bank account balance proves that face or not, she’s already won, so stop defending her, it’s not like she’s defending you, she’s too busy hanging in her bikini, living the good life.

Ashley-Tisdale-Bikini-Party Ashley-Tisdale-Bikini-Party2 Ashley-Tisdale-Bikini-Party3


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