Friday, June 28, 2013

Crazy Bitch is my Dream Girl of the Day

I don’t know the story behind this video, but I know it is amazing.

Part of me assumes it may be staged…but then I realize she’s a chick, and well chicks are fucking nuts, especially when you have sex with them.

From what I see, the dude rejects a woman, she comes back to have the last word, he calls her son a mutant, she attacks him, and he throws her in the pool…before she starts dismantling the fence, throwing a fucking tantrum, and another dude comes and throws her in the pool.

She gets arrested, then dude starts yelling at the cops about not doing their job, cuz he’s an idiot, and if you wanted that overview, you could have just watched the fucking video.

What it comes down to is that girls are insane, any straight dude knows that, and I actually appreciate her passion….


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