Friday, November 30, 2012

Wendy Williams Hides her Dick for PETA of the DAy

What the fuck is this about…I don’t even know who Wendy Williams is…I think maybe she’s a radio host or TV host…but know that this shouldn’t have happened…

I am all for transgendered people…I mean sure, it’s weird, unnatural…even creepy…but they are still people….albeit broken people…but people nonetheless…and they deserve the same opportunities as those who stick to the gender they were born with…but I sure as hell don’t like them posing naked in Animal propaganda ad campaigns…when they are barely human…at least in terms of physical appearance..

Maybe I’m being too hard on her…one may call me an asshole, cuz I wrote this post as if she was born with a dick, when she probably wasn’t and just looks like she was…but the real issue is that maybe she shoulda kept her fucking clothes on and never but me in this awkward position of seeing her in this horrible, offensive, scary state….forcing me to defend myself through the only weapon i have…my words…

Seriously. Dude. Keep. Your. Clothes. On. Bro.

I don’t care how many cute animals this saved, it’d have more impact if it was requesting people donate to get Wendy Williams in a sweat suit.

wendy-williams-nude wendy-williams-nude2


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