Friday, November 30, 2012

stepLINKS of the Day

Telling girls you want to violate them with your penis, but reassuring them not to worry because you have a small penis and they likely won’t feel anything but the shame of knowing it happened…is a horrible strategy in getting girls to want you to violate them. Buy a Fuckign stepSHIRT you assholes.GO Here are the stepLINKS for the Fucking weekend The Week in Playmate Instagrams. You’re WelcomeGO Trust Me, If You’re Gonna Invest in Something, Vodka Would Probably Be ItGO I Don’t Know What an Anamorphic Illustion is But It’s REALLY Fucking Impressive – VIDEOGO Claudia Romani or Whatever Her Name is – Is Amazing in a BikiniGO Alessandra Ambrosio Hot Little ImplantsGO Air CatGO 25 Awesome Photoshop FailsGO Kerry Washington in Women’s HealthGO...

Veronica Vice for DrunkenSweatshop’s American Flag stepShirt of the Day

Guess who made the best fucking t-shirts that all the hot, busty babes…from hookers to rich chicks…models…to crackheads….celebrities to no names…tweens to milf…are gonna be wearing…or wanting to wear after having sex with you, probably unprotected, just to get closer to me…If you guessed me….then you win…absolutely nothing but the chance to buy one or 20 of these amazingly soft, silky, top quality t-shirts…that make a great thing to wipe up your sperm with…after fucking hot girsl…cuz you’re never gonna take it off…cuz you are a slob..but more importantly cuz this shirt is HOTNESS….The model is lovely, naked and naughty VERONICA VICE …who’s boobs I grabbed…Now buy one, two, three or TWENTY…best holiday gift EVERGO...

Candice Swanepoel in Some Victoria’s Secret Ads of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is lovely…and I know I am pretty much buying into the advertising and marketing strategy of Victoria’s Secret, even more than I normally do when I post their girls in lingerie, contributing to their “fame”….but this time, I’ve gone so far as to post their fucking ads, with writing on them, like I am fucking working for them handing out flyers outside my local Victoria’s Secret, that I happen to be banned from, for loitering near the changing rooms one too many times…I feel like a sucker…but I like her body too much to not whore myself to the billion dollar man. ...

Megan Fox New Face in a Tight Dress of the Day

Megan Fox is making a comeback for some movie called over 40 that hired her to be in it….I guess they figured people want to see her and she was the right price and talent level….The comeback involves doing press for the movie…which is what these pics are from….Luckily she left her new baby, that I like to refer to as Brian Austin Green’s way of trapping her more than he already has, at home…But brought out her new body that people say she got back from baby making thanks to laser-lipo….and more importantly…her new Botox face that looks so youthful and natural…and not like a horror movie/cartoon mask….of a desperate girl who doesn’t want to look her age…but instead wants to look like a clown…weird…but I’d still do her…or more importanlty...

Hayden Panettiere in a Bra for in Nashville of the Day

Hello Breast Implants…well I guess when you get new tits to launch your new gig on TV after falling off and disappearing…waiting for the child sex scandal rumors to blow over…while blowing…men over 6 foot 6…because that’s just what midget bitches do to over compensate…it’s like overly skinny dudes with fat chicks, for white girls with black dudes, the whole opposite make for good times when getting fucked from behind…especially if the child sex ring is true…cuz child sex would probably leave her with a pretty big gap to fill…in her panties…you might as well show them…I am not that into grabbing fake tits, but I like looking at them, even when they suck, cuz big tits speak to me at an emotional level, especially when they balance out the broad...

Sofia Vergara’s Big Titties Behind the Scenes for Something of the Day

Sofia Vergara is filming some movie with Sharon Stone and since she’s Sofia Vergara she’s showing off some tits…because without her tits….she would never have been an Emmy winning actress who snuck her way into the bed of the right producer…cuz there are so many other Hispanic women..or even white women who can put on a believable hispanic accent to take her place…It makes absolutely no sense to me how someone who was a single mother at 20, living as a refugee in Miami…made it to Hollywood star status by 40….her story should have ended drug addicted stripper…..there’s more to this story than we’re being told…but I can tell you one thing…no matter what that story is…it all starts with her tits… ...

Wendy Williams Hides her Dick for PETA of the DAy

What the fuck is this about…I don’t even know who Wendy Williams is…I think maybe she’s a radio host or TV host…but know that this shouldn’t have happened…I am all for transgendered people…I mean sure, it’s weird, unnatural…even creepy…but they are still people….albeit broken people…but people nonetheless…and they deserve the same opportunities as those who stick to the gender they were born with…but I sure as hell don’t like them posing naked in Animal propaganda ad campaigns…when they are barely human…at least in terms of physical appearance..Maybe I’m being too hard on her…one may call me an asshole, cuz I wrote this post as if she was born with a dick, when she probably wasn’t and just looks like she was…but the real issue is that maybe...

Bisi Ibidapo Obe welcomes baby girl

The actress gave birth to a baby girl this morning at a private hospital in Lagos. Big congrats to her and know...Dino!...:-) ...

Stella Hudgens Looks Like Fun of the Day

Stella Hudgens looks like a lot of fun…she’s underage and partying at an event I can only assume serves booze to girls who are underage because when they wear outfits like this…they might as well be 20…you know it’s the good old “officer, she had tits, was in a bar, and gave head like a 25 year old, how was I supposed to know she was 16″…it always gets you off…literally.What it comes down to is that she’s taking all the right cues from her sister, the underage nude model, Vanessa Hudgens and that to me…is amazing…always upstage the older sibling…so daddy and mommy notice me…especially if the older sibling you’re upstaging is naughty and your upstaging involves being more naughty…Looks like she’s hanging with the right crowd…TO SEE THE REST...

Nicole Bahls Nipple on the Beach of the Day

I don’t know who Nicole Bahls is…but I know this is her second time on the beach in a bikini SHOWING OFF HER NIPPLE like it was uninternetion…when the fact that anyone is actually taking pics of her…is pretty fucking intentional..especially when they manage this up close and personal shots…almost like they are being paid to expose her properly in a good old fashion staged nipple slip…It was more fun when it was starlets but now it’s just hookers you’d expect to see sucking dick on the internet ….we’re all so desensitized…is nothing sacred enough to be upset when the pics leak anymore…The world is a pile of gutter trash.To See The Rest of the PicsFOLLOW THIS LINK...

India Reynolds Nude Outtakes of the Day

I know these Glamour models don’t matter in any fucking way at all…I know that they are relativley insignificant…I know that posting them is just encouraging them to be lazy and rely on posing topless until it is too late…and I know that’s exactly why I do it…I don’t care what they do, or who they are…I just wanna stare at their tits…and luckily, someone who isn’t me is paying them to do just that…It must be the Holiday Season…cuz Santa Claus is coming…no wait that’s me….Ewww. ...

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