Telling girls you want to violate them with your penis, but reassuring them not to worry because you have a small penis and they likely won’t feel anything but the shame of knowing it happened…is a horrible strategy in getting girls to want you to violate them. Buy a Fuckign stepSHIRT you assholes.GO Here are the stepLINKS for the Fucking weekend The Week in Playmate Instagrams. You’re WelcomeGO Trust Me, If You’re Gonna Invest in Something, Vodka Would Probably Be ItGO I Don’t Know What an Anamorphic Illustion is But It’s REALLY Fucking Impressive – VIDEOGO Claudia Romani or Whatever Her Name is – Is Amazing in a BikiniGO Alessandra Ambrosio Hot Little ImplantsGO Air CatGO 25 Awesome Photoshop FailsGO Kerry Washington in Women’s HealthGO...