Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Kate Upton Busts Out for Vogue Italia Cover of the Day

Kate Upton has landed a Vogue Italia cover…which is a big deal in terms of legit modeling….I’m talking a bigger deal than the SI cover…because it officially legitimizes her and her plus size as acceptable in the fashion world….which I guess is something I’ll have to be getting used to…you know with the whole obesity crisis and the skinny chick becoming a dying breed of human…unfortunately….but I guess as someone who loves tits as much as the next guy, seeing her spill out all sloppy on the cover of a fashion mag kinda makes me happy…because it reminds me that everything is fucking fetish porn mag…even when Mercedes and other luxury items advertise in it….and that’s good for me…cuz it gives me hope that one day…this site will make me a billionaire….with private jets….I feel it….and I’ll be forced to give all you haters the finger….while fucking your wives…cuz all ladies love a man with a private jet….that’s a fact…


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