Monday, March 9, 2015

Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


The highlight of my weeekend was probably walking into a random bar with a sign that read “Live Music” on the outside, only to find what I can only describe as a mecca of cheap, mall dress wearing, real estate agent looking, 45 year old women…who I assume were either divorced or at this bar for their one outing of the month. It felt like a sex cult where everyone knew each other, mixed with the Stepford wives, and I was just lucky enough, even though I am never lucky to come across them…It felt like I walked into divorcee heaven…on what must have been singles night…all of them drunk and sloppy like college kids…but the one girl who stood out the most, was the one who didn’t realize her dress was tucked into her panties, for a solid hour…walking around ass out.

Unfortunately, I don’t look like a soccer dad, or like I play golf, and 45 year old suburbanites fear homeless looking people, but I still got the chance to really understand why women should kill themselves at 40….I mean unless they plan on Golden Girls’-ing that shit and making a comedy routine out of it, despite what Oprah Says.

Here are some stepLINKS in the Morning…or afternoon, I can’t be sure. Thanks Daylight’s Savings Time.

Today in Thigh Gaps


Oklahoma University Sings a Racist Chant


Emma Watson on Nude Pic Hackers


Hydrogen ROcket Destroys a Pepsi Can Pyramid


Fame Whore in a Bikini


Bill Cosby’s Message to His Fans


Kanye is the Black Madonna


Tallulah WIllis See Through Shirt


Russian Man Gets Stuck in a Snow Mobile


Fugitive Gets Caught From Posting a Status about Soft Ball


THe Suicide Experiment


Two Idiots Arrested for Carving Initials into Rome’s Colloseum


The post Morning Hangover Dump of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather.


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