Friday, March 6, 2015

Carmen Electra in a Beach Selfie of the Day


Carmen Electra is old as fuck, and the problem with old as fuck girls with a lot of plastic surgery, who still go out and party like they are fabulous, even though they aren’t, but don’t realize they aren’t, because people around them suck up to them….is that they end up looking like trannies…

Thanks to science and not making babies..she defies gravity…space and time…age….and dignity…by being shameless and still willing to get on the beach, all BOTOXED, because I guess she needs to make money, but more importantly, she needs to be made to feel like she’s still pretty, because that validation is all she’s ever known…and the fact is, I kind of like the real housewife, porn looking old lady still holding on vibe…despite menopause..because despite the weathered vagina, the broken soul under the leathery skin, brings me happiness…

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The post Carmen Electra in a Beach Selfie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather.


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