Thursday, February 26, 2015

Kim Kardashian’s 27 Million Followers Half Naked Picture is Jokes of the Day


I am more interested in whether this dress is White / Gold or Blue / Black…Even though we all know it is White / Gold….but looks Blue / Black sometimes…

Because this dress is more important than anything Kim Kardashian has done or will do…

SHe’s a pile of shit, the color of shit, who likely smells like shit, from all the shit she puts in her shit..


SHe’s a pornstar in her mid 30s, who was a socialite party girl rich kid, that the public made famous for no reason whatsover…

She’s not hot, she’s not sexy, and all the bootleg versions of her make me want to throw up with their waist training and ass implants…like her sister, OJ’s daughter, the monster…who proves with the right investment, even she can look good…


Everything about her is fake, low grade garbage….her family fucking sucks, and fuck you for following her, all 27 million of her…why do you people still care…what the fuck..

More importantly, why does she think, as a mom in her 30s, that this is hat her 27 million fans what to see. Why does she think people care to see her half naked…it makes no fucking sense to me…why is this being shoved down my throat…why does this exist…

We’re all fucking doomed…fuck you pop culture.

The post Kim Kardashian’s 27 Million Followers Half Naked Picture is Jokes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather.


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