Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Nicole Scherzinger in a Bikini for Labor Day of the Day

There was a time this Nicole Scherzinger Pussy Cat Doll was a teased for having a really hard body, that was clearly a product of fitness, dancing in stage shows like a stripper who didn’t have to be a stripper, even though her skill set was that of a stripper…with High Testosterone, we’re talking probable chin hair, back hair, and even nipple hair had she not tended to it with the best waxers in the world….with a sex drive that rivals gay dudes, because girls with high testosterone like to fuck a lot..which is a good thing, provided you don’t can see past that you’re practically fucking a dude, since everyone on the internet would call her a tranny…because the internet is mean.

Well it turns out that when she scales back on the fitness, and allows her womanly hormones back into the mix as she ages, her hard body turns into a decent and feminine body, forgetting that she may or may not have been born with testicles, something that historically has been hard to do…

She’s in a bikini….and you like bikinis.

Nicole Scherzinger having fun with friends in Formentera sea Nicole Scherzinger having fun with friends in Formentera sea Nicole Scherzinger having fun with friends in Formentera sea



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