Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne Together in an Ad of the Day

Kate Moss is in this campaign with Cara Delevingne, a socialite turned model, who is still a socialite, because she is a rich kid who puts herself at all the right events with the right people. The association with the A-Listers she associates herself with is good for her modeling career, it is was made her an It Girl, it is the reason she makes money and has big pay days, it is a whole “if people in movies want to sit on her face, the general public will”…bullshit that I guess doesn’t offend me – because there are bigger issues in the world besides who the the modeling industry want to pay to promote their brand…like Burberry, in what I like to this is their take on lesbian porn, the classy high end fashion way…


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