Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Emma Stern Nielsen in Lingerie of the Day

As much as I hate lingerie campaign pictures because I find them fucking boring…every once in a while I get semi impressed…I mean impressed isn’t really the right word…but I am so jaded when it comes to this shit…I’ve been doing it for 30,000 fucking posts…over 10 years…it’s like eventually all the girls, all the photographers, all the brands, all the concepts all blend into one giant pile of irrelevant bullshit that doesn’t matter in the overall picture of the state of the world.

It’s not newsworthy, it doesn’t affect our lives, it’s just some nonsense to help sell some other assholes panties for a lot of money…

But today, this Emma Stern Nielsen, a model I’ve followed on instagram but didn’t know I followed on instagram, in a campaign for some company called Triumph, that hired a Vogue photographer named Ellen Von Unwerth, who is knows for being fucking awesome at taking semi erotic fashion pics, brought a fucking win…

It’s like this Emma Stern Nielsen is the new apple of my eye, object of my desire, sure I’ll forget her in 3 minutes, but right now, all I want to do is suffacte on her face as she rides me like a Mechanical bull…

She’s good.

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