Monday, September 29, 2014

Emily Browning Ordering Food Naked of the Day

Her name is Emily Browning, she’s some Australian babe, despite still having her trashy Australian accent, something most Australians try to hide, she was in the movie Suckerpunch – a movie that my pervert neighbor insisted we see because the idea of young babe ninjas was something his nerd masturbation was built on – I felt like we were going to get arrested as he squeals “oh yeah baby bend- oh yeah – kick” in a theater filled with 13 year old girls…we didn’t.

I don’t know if this clip is part of a movie she’s in…but I am going to assume that it is, you know something real, raw, authentic, maybe even a horror movie and until the lawyers reach out, not that I am crazy enough to host anything these days, we can thank the internet for doing that for us, allowing us to report the legitimacy of this possible post sex marketing stunt leak – that I approve of regardless of what it is…because I like small tits, I like morning nudity, I like hotels, I like girls ordering me breakfast, I like a little bush…I like all of this…

I didn’t know I could like so much. I thought I had given up. I guess this gives me hope – even though based on the movie below…it’s safe to say, her getting naked isn’t a thing…but it still happened…


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