Thursday, July 31, 2014

Shay Mitchell’s Cleavage and her Dog of the Day

Shay Mitchell is a Pretty Little Liar celebrity, and now she’s a “showing off her cleavage with dogs” fetish site star…not that there is a fetish site for girls with cleavage posing with dogs, but there could be one, since I know at least one person who would jerk off to this….and that person is me…but I’m not doing it because I am overwhelmed with the cuteness of dogs, or because my obsession for dogs has gone past the point of no return, you know into a deep dark place, all because humans are shitty and dogs are amazing…I am doing it because of #tits.

So really, her social media posted cleavage could be in any setting, next to any animal, or inanimate object..It could be in old lady faces, or in her own hands…I will still look….and so will you.

shay (1)


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