Thursday, July 31, 2014

Models Versus Wind Machine for LOVE Magaizne of the Day

LOVE MAGAZINE just released their new issue, that Kendall Jenner, the “hard working model” who in her delusional rich brat mind, didn’t leverage her sister’s porn, her family reality show, was on the cover of….hard work pays off when your mom has a team.

Anyway they got all the models up against a wind machine, blowing their faces into all kind of weirdness, and for some reason I find it highly erotic, and that reason is called being overexposed to porn and forced to turn to new things besides sex and nudity to get off…

The models are:

Kendall Jenner, Anna Ewers, Caroline Trentini, Charlotte Free, Imaan Hammam, Jing Wen, Julia Bergshoeff, Julia Nobis, Kayla Scott, Natalie Westling & Ysaunny Brito


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