I post so many of these Izabel Goulart Fitness Videos, that you might as well just follow her on instagram yourself so that I don’t need to bother…but I get sucked into them every single time I see them…
Is this fitness, is this erotica, is this new age porn in a fat world, that when you’ve seen one too many throat fucking videos, you delve into weird places, like girls doing everyday stuff, only everyday girls are so dumpy…while these model girls are so fit…because they are millionaires and have nothing better to do than this fitness shit…and unlike your local curves, which is one heart attack from a fat chick away from being shut down…it’s nice to look at…and not comedic…”Look at that fat girl trying to do a sit up, she’s like a turtle turned up on it’s shell”…kind of fitness…
I dig it..you should too.
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