Chloe Grace Moretz is some 17 year old who nerds have been masturbating to since she was 12. It’s a little strange to think that all you virgin losers are also pedophiles, but I guess being into comics, and seeing a girl in a superhero outfit, all while being unable to really differentiate reality from fiction, because that’s all part of being a delusional’s not your fault…I blame society…it’s the same reason you jerked off to Emma Watson in Harry Potter and I guess only their parents who are selling them out to the “sex trade” I call Hollywood are to blame…
Here she is in a fashion shoot, take it while you can, because soon…she’ll be 18 and the allure will be gone…even though I think she’ll go on to do some great…possibly naked things…it happens when they sell their souls at a young age.
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