Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Chloe Grace Moretz in Flare for the Creeps of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz is some 17 year old who nerds have been masturbating to since she was 12. It’s a little strange to think that all you virgin losers are also pedophiles, but I guess being into comics, and seeing a girl in a superhero outfit, all while being unable to really differentiate reality from fiction, because that’s all part of being a delusional’s not your fault…I blame society…it’s the same reason you jerked off to Emma Watson in Harry Potter and I guess only their parents who are selling them out to the “sex trade” I call Hollywood are to blame…

Here she is in a fashion shoot, take it while you can, because soon…she’ll be 18 and the allure will be gone…even though I think she’ll go on to do some great…possibly naked things…it happens when they sell their souls at a young age.

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