It is the fat generation…so everyone, as you probably know, are embracing and celebrating being fat, because it makes for a good excuse to remain fat, you know it’s in style, or in-fashion or whatever, even models like Kate Upton are eating their way to stardom…but it’s not because of politically correctness, like Love everyone and Love yourself, it’s that the general population is fat and in order to sell them product, you must show them fat girls, otherwise you get slaughtered by the media, and no one buys your shit, unless you are Victoria’s Secret, who will one day go fat, as fit babes are a dying fucking entity..
The reality is that fat is gross, it is unhealthy, we aren’t naturally supposed to be fat, we are fat because of our lifestyles, we eat too much, we don’t work out, and we will die premature deaths…because of it…
So as a fat man, I will say, no one wants to see fat chicks modelling in lingerie, it does more bad than good, but I still like fat tits…so I’m posting it even though it represents all evil…
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