Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dana Wright Hot and Grimy for American Apparel of the Day

Dana Wright is my friend…

I’ve met her on at least two different occasions. We have each other’s numbers. We are on each other’s facebook and I like to think we hit it off in a way that was on some higher level spiritual shit…I am talking soul mate shit that will involve me being invited to all her birthday parties, weddings, abortions, all night dance parties…and naps…maybe she’ll even let me watch her have sex, both anal or vaginal, protected or unprotected, with scrubby hipster dudes and people in bands a like…because that’s what friends who met twice do…and even if it doesn’t happen…I have her grimy unphotoshopped American Apparel pics…that are raw as fuck…and totally representative of how dirty she can get…but not as representative of how dolled up and glamorous she can get…but still fucking perfect enough to jerk off to…

I am a fan. I would like her autograph. Via a glory hole….with her cum dripping off my face…that stains my shirt…so I never forget.

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