Monday, December 30, 2013

Miley Cyrus Dances at a Britney Concert of the Day

So Britney is doing a Vegas show now, which I assume was the much anticipated, for people with nothing better to do, than worry about Vegas shows and Britney’s whereabouts and doings…even though she kinda died in 2009…and as far as I’m concerned, this pussy is embalmed.

But new generation Miley was there taking notes on how to scam the world into thinking you are talent after Disney, you know on how to keep interest when you push 31, because that means 10 more years of money making…

And in being new generation, Miley took the opportunity to steal the fucking show, by being outrageous, which everyone knows is totally fucking tasteless, classless, and like the jealous sister at the wedding getting drunk and causing a scene, but it was still better than watching Britney’s fat used up uterus dangling out of her onsie like she’s not pushing 35.

The highlight was that Mario Lopez was there…


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