It’s safe to say that Jessica Hart being fired from Victoria’s Secret was probably just a storyline to get them back in the news, because I was told she’s not actually fired from the magazine, but rather the girl they want to condition and create into the next Candice…meaning the whole thing was a publicity stunt.
In case you didn’t know, it’s Holiday Season…you know in the event you are like me and never leave your house, except to go to Miami, where these Jessica Hart pics were taking, meaning we are in the same city right now, and she’s not on my lap, really questioning whether or not we’re actually soul mates as her tits make me think we are.
And the Holiday season is the most important time for Victorias Secret, they make at least 1 billion in sales to idiots who don’t know what to get their chick as a gift, but assume this is what they want, because Victoria’s Secret has brain washed the fucking world into loving cheap, foreign, knock-off panties…
That said, this Australian gold digger who has Paris Hilton herpes thanks to her Billionaire Boyfriend Stavros, a man who has fucked everyone…
Funny story, I went to one of Stavros’ hotel room parties, and it was all dudes, there was no Jessica Hart fiancé around, her tits were nowhere to be found…because I guess he is either gay, or tired of every babe gold digging whore he fucks..and gets sucked into proposing to…that said…it was the worst party ever….
Either way, she’s good in her bikini….even if she’s probably a tall freakish monster in person…we don’t have to worry about that…since we’re not with her in person….staged paparazzi bikini pic publicity stunts…always my favorite level of low level….other than sex tapes of course..

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