Our life, at least my life, since this is my site and all about me and my personal interests that aren’t actually my interests, but rather my scam to trick people to read my broken english and bad jokes, because it validates my existence like a sad girl with no daddy sucking her first dick on camera for the glory of showing the world you are broken and have no soul…is not complete without shitty catalog bikini pics featuring some model with a hot ass…because models with hot asses, even if they are a dime a dozen thanks to the internet, instagram, hormones in the food and fitness…are still my fucking favorite, and bikini catalog pics, something that used to be exciting are so fucking boring, that they make masturbation to them a challenge, and when you don’t get off the couch, some competitive sport, even if it is competing with yourself, is essential for survival..
Today, her that model is Emanuela de Paula, she’s from Brazil, 24, half black, which is black enough to be considered black by the industry at the KKK, and she’s done all kinds for modelling, and here is a sample..

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