Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jessica Alba Bikini Pics of the Day

The only thing less attractive than seeing a mom in her bikini, is seeing a grandmother in her bikini, not that I wouldn’t want to fuck a mom and a grandmother and a daughter in their bikinis all at the same time, but individually, they aren’t that impressive, even when they are Jessica Alba, in her bullshit fake marriage that she used her uterus to trap and make happen, leading a a miserable husband who she probably lets fuck other girls, because the tightness in her vagina disappeared with child birth, and because they are from LA and no one in LA is monogamous…not even with Jessica Alba because there are hundreds of girls in LA way better looking, who are younger and down to fuck knowing you’re Alba’s husband…it’s just the way it is….but I’l still look at her in a bikini and not hate her for being half naked, but rather hate her for being so fucking boring…

That’s not to say I wouldn’t stepfather her kids, cuz I totally would..but it is to say that she’s not spreading her asshole…which is what makes it fun…

Jessica Alba Spends Labor Day Weekend In Malibu With Her Family Jessica Alba soaks up some sun in a blue bikini and a floral cover-up with husband Cash Warren and their daughters Honor and Haven during a beach party in Malibu Jessica Alba soaks up some sun in a blue bikini and a floral cover-up with husband Cash Warren and their daughters Honor and Haven during a beach party in Malibu


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