Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tricia Helfer Showing Off Some Tit of the Day

I generally hate Canadian women who make the move to LA and actually get work and stay in LA because they have these egos that are annoying to be around, like that they are more important than Canada, even if they are, it’s just annoying to be around, especially when you are trying to fuck.

I generally like Canadian women who make the move to LA and don’t make it, because not everyone in LA has a deep enough throat, or drive to destroy anyone that gets in their way of fame…

Tricia Helfer falls somewhere between the two, but she’s attending events which is a good thing but flaunting her tits hard, which is a good thing for us, but a desperate thing for her, making her the perfect amount of confusing for you to masturbate to…kinda like that time you jerked off to tranny porn.

To see her tits from all kinds of other angles CLICK HERE


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