Thursday, August 1, 2013

Paulina Gretzky Bikini Bottoms of the Day

There’s really nothing to hate about Paulina Gretzky. She’s a rich kid, living the rich kid life, and she’s not fat or anything, I mean as far as I’m concerned, if I had the opportunity to be permanently in a bikini, having cocktails served my way all fucking day, I’d be Tara Reid about it too. I mean what do people expect her to do, get a job? I mean her allowance is probably enough to get by, and her credit card probably has a nice limit, and her dad’s got enough money that even if she tried as hard as she could to spend even enough for him to notice, he wouldn’t’s the life of the riches..and at least she looks good doin the good life, her bro she’s posing with, not so much…but I’m too busy staring at her vagina and hip to waist ratio to notice him.

Paulina-Gretzky-Bikini-Bottoms Paulina-Gretzky-Bikini-Bottoms2


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