James Gandolfini /Tony Soprano – Is Dead….
Nothing celebrates the life of an actor who died of what is assumed to be a heart attack caused by living the good fat life, whether it is from food, or booze, or cocaine, or a slow metabolism, or a combination of those things…like watching him get a lap dance from Kristen Stewart.
I guess this puts to rest as to whether they will ever do a Sopranos movie, unless it is my Parody Porn, I call The Sopr-ANALS…because James Gandolfini, an actor I actually liked watching in his non-Soprano roles, decided to not look after himself and die…at 51.
Maybe it’s an excuse for CNN to distract America with special coverage ignoring the actual news…but maybe it should remind us to get off our asses and walk…gluttony kills….even if it’s fun in the process…just don’t tell my wife, I’m banking on her goin’ the same damn way, ideally sooner than later..
Here’s another clip…of James Gandolfini and Kristen Stewart from WELCOME TO THE RILEYS
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