Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hayden Panettiere Posing With a Bra of the Day

If seeing flat chested chicks who recently got implants posing with massive old lady bras..then you’ll really like this Hayden Panettiere picture for social media…showing the world she still has a little circus clown in her, despite her new hustle to look more like a girl, rather than some midget used as a human cannonball under the big top….

Unless this big bra is just a normal sized bra that looks huge next to her dwarf self…

The fact remains that Hayden Panettiere’s fans love her in a creepy way, and even those of you not into fecal porn, would jerk off to pics of her shitting, it’s like she can do no wrong, even though she doesn’t do much…

Personally, I’m more into girls who don’t wear bras. But this isn’t about me people, it’s about you and your creepy fucking fetishes…cuz if this was for me, there’d be a lot more spread asshole, random household insertion, and maybe some squirting…I’m a little more hardcore that girls being silly with bras, that’s too high school for me, while I prefer weathered whore.



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