Thursday, June 20, 2013

Anja Konstrantinova Titties for Fashion of the Day

Anja Konstantinova is a Russian born Australian model, who unlike other models, is not a 6 foot tall monster of a woman, but who instead 5 foot 4, but who has still been in Vogue and other magazines…and has still walked the runway…making me think I don’t really give a fuck about how tall a bitch is, as long I get to see her titties for whatever reason, whether it is Fashion, to pay the rent, even in exchange for drugs, because ultimately, their tits are the gateway to their pussy, their pussy the gateway to their asshole, and it all works out in a glorious way…because that’s what really matters…I mean that’s why bitches with no legs still get fucked…

Either way, Hi Anja, Let’s date.

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