Miley Cyrus has been allowed out of her house. Oh shit.
And she’s gone wild. Oh Shit.
I assume that’s what happens when you are the caged money making animal at the zoo, that is finally let out of the cage to explore what the world they were always kept away from, because the world is a scary place, and the cage is safe, and where we keep our money making animals.
You know, she’s high profile, has fans, the paparazzi would rip her apart now that she’s single, something my penis would like to do to her vagina, if it was only more substantial.
Her sheltered life filled with handlers sometimes gets pushed aside, you know cuz she is the money making animal and she calls the shots, and I guess this is the evidence of that whole =”This is my life, and I just want to live it and be normal” rebellion…..that I like to call the gateway to falling off the fucking deep end.
You can’t steal her life fame. You hear that.
Oh Shit.
Now let’s do a low key, low profile, parking lot photoshoot to really not get noticed on this incognito, attempt at integrating into society like a normal….hustle….
Oh Shit.

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