I’d like you to look closely at this Arabella Drummond Glamour Model…and tell me…..what she’s missing….at least to be considered an actual Glamour Model…I’ll give you a hint….it’s her tits…she’s got no fucking tits…and she’s chubby….and possibly a dude….but willing to get naked cuz she’s so proud of her semi-feminine body…..she’s like Chaz Bono at the YMCA bathroom now that she can change with dudes….all dick clit in hand…proud of what she’s got….cuz she’s not a broken lesbian anymore…she’s a dude….only the other way around….and you probably like this Arabella girl’s size…don’t worry – it’s not gay if she’s got long hair and make-up on…or as long as her panties stay on…..
Here are the interesting pics…

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