Friday, November 30, 2012

Rihanna Posts Chris Brown Pic of the Day

I don’t even think Chris Brown beat Rihanna in the first place…I think it was all a marketing spin…that was blown out of control the way they wanted it to be blown so that she became the huge fucking star she became…I feel like Chris Brown gets a percentage of sales and was into it…that or she beat herself up, pressed charges, when all heated like crazy girls have been known to do and now feels like a cunt for fucking his shit up the last few years with everyone thinking he beats women….so that she came out on top….

So unlike the general population, I don’t care that she’s posting pics of him saying “don’t leave my emotionally co-dependent, crazy fucking girl cuz all girls are crazy” side….I just figure it’s business strategy…or broken girl trying to find love strategy…but I don’t think Chris Brown is an abuser and if he was I don’t think Rihanna would be mocking the public with pics of him and her as she is right here….all these to say…why the fuck am I giving Rihanna relationship analysis…I’m not the love doctor…I just wanna stare at that ass…like I was this girl….

We all know this is gonna end in babies everywhere… stop talking about it.


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