I am totally uninterested in Kate Upton…she’s got fat tits..but she’s also got a fat chick body…that’s just not fat yet…and I like to avoid issues before they happen…like quitting smoking before my lungs get cancerous…and quitting drinking before my liver falls out…even though I never actually do quit anything, I am a weak man with no self control, and hating on her for being over hyped…doesn’t mean I wouldn’t eat her shit if she asked me to, and not to see how much cake she ate the night before but cuz I like her so much…
What we can learn from this interview with cosmo is that she has a weird relationship with food and mentions it at least once as fat girls in training often do….
She doesn’t like pick up lines…but I bet that’s just bullshit and if you went up to her and say “Hey Girl, you like fried food, cuz I got a sausage in my pants that’s ready to be slid into a bun”…she’d jump on the opportunity and rush you to the nearest store o pick up some bread products in order to carb load…
That she is a hooker who only leaves the house with her cell phone and 20 dollars cuz she expects the dude to pay for her…but I just say that’s convienent when kidnapping her….
Either way, she does have big tits…
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