Friday, September 28, 2012

Guinness VIP Black Party is Today!

Today is the G-day! It’s going down tonight people at La Mango Restaurant & Bar, 2, Adekunle Fajuyi Street GRA Ikeja by 17:59… the Guinness VIP Black Party! All Guinness Foreign Extra Stout lovers, let’s celebrate the remarkable heritage of Arthur Guinness; as we join millions of other people around the world to raise our glasses to Arthur today. Let’s celebrate Greatness, let’s give a toast to Arthur.

Remember, the dress code is Black and Trendy! The energetic DJ Exclusive will be in the house to bring down the roof. Join the Guinness family and raise a glass to Arthur Guinness. Don’t forget, the celebration is all about Guinness and Guinness lovers. Come and party with Guinness and the superstar DJ Xclusive! It’s just a few hours’ away people… Guinness VIP Black Party!!!

Wherever you are, you can equally be a part of this remarkable celebration; all you have to do is follow the link to like on the Guinness Facebook page at , pay a tribute to Arthur Guinness and stand a chance to win tickets for you and a friend. You can also join the ever growing community portal at m.guinnessvip .com or follow them on twitter at . Be part of this epic day, join in the celebration!


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