Monday, September 2, 2013

Ireland Baldwin’s Post-Fuck Pic of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is such a rebellious teen…all 17 and posting pics of her posing like she just had shitty teen sex because even with all the porn these kids are exposed to…they still don’t know how to fuck…but they sure like letting people know they fuck because it makes them feel so mature…I blame being yelled at by her daddy and humiliated at a young age, or maybe it’s the hormones in the food, but then again, I was fucking at 17, and it’s not a big deal, but it’s fun to pretend it is, because that’s what the internet wants us to do…at least why else would Ireland Baldwin be posting shit like this, it’s just as easy to not post her “personal pics”…and next time, maybe she should post a pic before the orgasms…you know when it’s actually less of a post sex loving cuddle and more of a dirty ditch pig getting railed…


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